With the recent release of the free version of the Unreal Engine and the announcement of the free Source 2 Engine, you now have even more options for making your own games. But picking out the best engine for you and your skillset is a little tough.
Via Leona Ungerer
Thorin, K., 2015, 'The best Free Tools for making Your Own Video Games', Article of Lifehacker.
Thorin, a programmer announces that creating video game has become easier as he explains and suggests the tools for the beginner video game makers to use. The authors use data gained from personal experiences and reviews what other game developers have suggested to form this article, giving advice to all the new game makers out there. The author thoroughly explains each tools, tools that create 2D video games for beginner game developers to the more difficult ones for the expert game developers. This article is useful to my research topic, as Thorin suggests that video games can be created by anyone who have an interest in it - it is not difficult. Thus the popularity of video games grow as individuals express their creativity through the process of creating their own styles of video games. The main limitation of this article is that Thorin did not mention about tools that are being processed in the future that may benefit all game developers. This article suggests individuals who can develop their ideas into the game, allows everyone to have a chance at making their idea happen in a virtual reality, hence increase the popularity of video games, thus this article will be useful supplementary information for my research on video games.