Best Florida Real Estate Scoops
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onto Best Florida Real Estate Scoops
January 9, 2020 9:19 PM!

Cape Canaveral featured in Southern Living 

Cape Canaveral featured in Southern Living  | Best Florida Real Estate Scoops |
The ultimate insiders’ guide to Southern culture, recipes, travel, and events. Packed with recipes, decorating tips, entertaining ideas, and travel guides, we guarantee to deliver the best of the South right to you.
Best Blog Scoops's insight:

Cape Canaveral, a sliver of a barrier island along Florida's aptly named Space Coast. Famously home to NASA's launch HQ—along with one of the busiest cruise ports in the country—the beach town has attracted a steady stream of rocket enthusiasts since the dawn of the Apollo missions. (With the highly anticipated launch of NASA's Mars Exploration rover next summer, 2020 will be no different.) (Whoops! Meant to post under Florida Space Coast & Beyond) But since it landed here, if you're interested in buying a residential or investment property in Cape Canaveral

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Best Florida Real Estate Scoops
Agi Anderson here, the the CEO & Chief Strategist at
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