Making your home look high-end isn't always about spending tons of cash. Remember these six cheap tricks if you want to add the illusion of luxury.
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Best Florida Real Estate Scoops
Agi Anderson here, the the CEO & Chief Strategist at Along with being The FSBO Advisor I am a serial entrepreneur and veracious reader who loves sharing informative posts with 10 different topics. I scan the web searching for the best blog scoops about Florida real estate and especially posts that are relevant to Florida For Sale By Owners. I offer an innovative approach and help Florida For Sale By Owners (FSBO’s) $AVE THOUSAND$ of dollars by assisting them to be their own listing representative. Questions? You can call, text or email me using my online Biz Card card at … Curated by Best Blog Scoops |
Nothing says “this home ain’t worth much” like tons of disjointed knickknacks, piles of books, and other miscellaneous items that should be tossed or stored.