Bonnes pratiques en documentation
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Scooped by Stéphane Cottin
onto Bonnes pratiques en documentation
August 21, 9:29 AM!

AI and Plagiarism Detection Tools | beSpacific

Journalist’s Toolbox – Mike Reilley: “I post this here as a warning. There are tools such as AI Undetect and Humanize AI Text, rewrite tools that offer an AI detection remover service. They can fool GPTZero, ZeroGPT, Copyleak, etc. There also have been isolated reports that the detection tools may have a bias against international students. Regardless, don’t solely rely on the detection tools when evaluating the work. Talk to the reporters and students, especially if it shows a lower percentage rate.” [recommendations include free and fee based sites]
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Bonnes pratiques en documentation
Dernieres informations sur les bonnes pratiques en recherche documentaire, analyse de la documentation, moteurs de recherche,...
Curated by Stéphane Cottin