Actualités "Fake News and Vaccinations"
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Rescooped by Gilbert C FAURE from Immunology and Biotherapies
January 30, 2020 1:15 PM!

Fake News and Vaccinations Bobcatsss 2020

Point of view of an Immunologist/curator in 2020


Après Bobcatsss 2020, ECIL 2021, ICDF 2022,...


Nous avons le plaisir de vous informer que votre proposition « Désinformation Vaccinale: Curation, Observatoire, Littératies » a été retenue pour le séminaire annuel de l’Académie des Controverses et de la Communication Sensible, intitulé « La désinformation : nouvelles formes, nouveaux défis », qui se tiendra à Paris le mardi 26 novembre 2024.

Cette année, nous avons reçu un nombre exceptionnel de propositions provenant de cinq pays de la francophonie. La qualité et la diversité des soumissions ont rendu la sélection particulièrement compétitive, et nous sommes ravis que votre travail ait été retenu.

Gilbert C FAURE's insight:

This topic became a research action project at CREM (Centre de Recherche sur les médiations)

Ir covers not only Fake News still thriving on the internet,

but also efforts of many (supranational bodies, scientific societies, researchers...) to improve health literacies of laypeople, and medical students on this sensitive topic...


Nous avons rejoint le réseau  SHS Vaccination France

Une première réunion virtuelle a réuni une trentaine de participants et a permis d'écouter une présentation sur l'hésitation vaccinale.

Prochaine réunion en distanciel le 14 juin 2024 sur le sujet des personnels infirmiers .

Le sujet des "Health professionals" est couvert sur


We also joined

The collaboration on social science and immunisation (COSSI): a successful Australian research and practice network

plusieurs réunions organisées down under, mais c'est loin.


The topic addresses Fake news as a global problem, extracting material focusing on vaccinations, vaccination hesitancy and anti-vax attitudes. The subject is evolving constantly with health consequences all over the world.


Published papers related to this subject are also posted.


Fake News related to Covid and vaccinations slightly decreased compared to other topics such as ukrainian war, gaza war, even sports related informations...

but the diffusion of discussions remains steady all over the world, particularly on social networks in France and elsewhere!


Unfortunately, as Jonathan Swift so eloquently said: Reasoning will never make a man correct an ill opinion, which by reasoning he never acquired.

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Scooped by Gilbert C FAURE
September 21, 4:38 AM! – Amitié et Site De Rencontres Pour Les Non-Vaccinées – Amitié et Site De Rencontres Pour Les Non-Vaccinées | Actualités "Fake News and Vaccinations" |
Site de rencontres et rencontres non romantiques pour hommes et femmes français non vaccinés en France ayant refusé le vaccin covid.
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Scooped by Gilbert C FAURE
September 20, 4:32 AM!

Seeing Like A Network - by Rohit Krishnan

Seeing Like A Network - by Rohit Krishnan | Actualités "Fake News and Vaccinations" |
Dark Forests, Dense Networks...
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Scooped by Gilbert C FAURE
September 17, 1:11 PM!


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Scooped by Gilbert C FAURE
September 17, 10:07 AM!

Children are at risk of killer infections as vaccination rates plummet, NHS says in stark warning

Children are at risk of killer infections as vaccination rates plummet, NHS says in stark warning | Actualités "Fake News and Vaccinations" |
CHILDHOOD vaccination rates have fallen for the fifth year in a row, NHS figures show.Coverage in England is below the safe 95 per cent target for eve...
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Scooped by Gilbert C FAURE
September 12, 10:34 AM!

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Scooped by Gilbert C FAURE
September 10, 11:14 AM!

Dr Philip McMillan on LinkedIn: #covid #medicine #research | 10 comments

Dr Philip McMillan on LinkedIn: #covid #medicine #research | 10 comments | Actualités "Fake News and Vaccinations" |
Proactive company executives are reaching out to me to better understand my predictions regarding the Covid STORM (Spike-Triggered Autoimmune Response… | 10 comments on LinkedIn
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Scooped by Gilbert C FAURE
September 10, 11:12 AM!

Information literacy and critical thinking: libraries help fight misinformation

Information literacy and critical thinking: libraries help fight misinformation | Actualités "Fake News and Vaccinations" |
Feeling overwhelmed in the digital age? Libraries are stepping up, teaching information literacy and critical thinking to help individuals separate fact from fiction.
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Scooped by Gilbert C FAURE
September 10, 3:42 AM!

Maladie de la vache folle chez les injectés covid : avis de deux grands scientifiques

Maladie de la vache folle chez les injectés covid : avis de deux grands scientifiques | Actualités "Fake News and Vaccinations" |
Alexandra Henrion-Caude redit aux familles de patients Creutzfeldt-Jacob survenu après vaccination son hypothèse de contamination par Pfizer...
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Scooped by Gilbert C FAURE
September 7, 6:01 AM!

Doctor appears before medical inquiry over allegations of disapproving of Covid vaccine

Doctor appears before medical inquiry over allegations of disapproving of Covid vaccine | Actualités "Fake News and Vaccinations" |
Dr Neville Wilson has denied two counts of professional misconduct as well as poor professional performance...
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Scooped by Gilbert C FAURE
September 2, 8:06 AM!

Jocelyn M. on LinkedIn: More Americans embrace COVID vax untruths: Poll

Jocelyn M. on LinkedIn: More Americans embrace COVID vax untruths: Poll | Actualités "Fake News and Vaccinations" |
This is why we should continue to call out the McCullough Foundation, Physicians for Informed Consent and Children's Health Defense as these anti-vaxxer…
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Scooped by Gilbert C FAURE
September 2, 7:36 AM!

Michael Patmas, MD, FACP on LinkedIn: The Anti-vaccination Movement: A Regression in Modern Medicine

Michael Patmas, MD, FACP on LinkedIn: The Anti-vaccination Movement: A Regression in Modern Medicine | Actualités "Fake News and Vaccinations" |
Check out this insightful article discussing the roots of antivax thinking written before COVID. The antivax movement has increased in influence dramatically…
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Scooped by Gilbert C FAURE
September 25, 1:19 PM!

Anti-Vax Group Vows to ‘Fight’ Net Zero at Event Attended by Prominent Right-wing Figures

Anti-Vax Group Vows to ‘Fight’ Net Zero at Event Attended by Prominent Right-wing Figures | Actualités "Fake News and Vaccinations" |
Together, a group which last year launched a campaign to scrap the UK’s net zero emissions targets, says it is “by and for the public”.But at an event behind closed doors on Friday (20 September), its founder Alan Miller told a different story.  A promotional reel highlighting its achievements in...
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Scooped by Gilbert C FAURE
September 20, 4:32 AM!

Fake news was invented 500 years ago – we must learn from its history

Fake news was invented 500 years ago – we must learn from its history | Actualités "Fake News and Vaccinations" |
The term ‘fake news’ – and the accompanying clickbait and digital polarisation – may have been popularised only in recent years but the phenomenon itself can be traced back to a much older disruptive communications technology: the printing press.
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Scooped by Gilbert C FAURE
September 18, 7:31 AM!

COVID-19 vaccine refusal is driven by deliberate ignorance and cognitive distortions | npj Vaccines

COVID-19 vaccine refusal is driven by deliberate ignorance and cognitive distortions | npj Vaccines | Actualités "Fake News and Vaccinations" |
Vaccine hesitancy was a major challenge during the COVID-19 pandemic. A common but sometimes ineffective intervention to reduce vaccine hesitancy involves providing information on vaccine effectiveness, side effects, and related probabilities. Could biased processing of this information contribute to vaccine refusal? We examined the information inspection of 1200 U.S. participants with anti-vaccination, neutral, or pro-vaccination attitudes before they stated their willingness to accept eight different COVID-19 vaccines. All participants—particularly those who were anti-vaccination—frequently ignored some of the information. This deliberate ignorance, especially toward probabilities of extreme side effects, was a stronger predictor of vaccine refusal than typically investigated demographic variables. Computational modeling suggested that vaccine refusals among anti-vaccination participants were driven by ignoring even inspected information. In the neutral and pro-vaccination groups, vaccine refusal was driven by distorted processing of side effects and their probabilities. Our findings highlight the necessity for interventions tailored to individual information-processing tendencies.
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Scooped by Gilbert C FAURE
September 17, 1:04 PM!

Vaccines Beat | Letting science speak for itself

Vaccines Beat | Letting science speak for itself | Actualités "Fake News and Vaccinations" |
The views and opinions expressed in this newsletter are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of AHF, its sponsors, partners or any entity related to Vaccines Beat.
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Scooped by Gilbert C FAURE
September 16, 5:04 AM!

Experts warn against vaccine skepticism

Experts warn against vaccine skepticism | Actualités "Fake News and Vaccinations" |
Thanks to all those shots in the arm, in the year 2000, measles in the United States was declared eliminated. But now, it's coming back, with measles cases reported from California to Vermont.One big reason: across the country in 2023, more families exempted their children from routine immunizations than ever before."There's never been a better time in human history to tackle an infectious disease than today," said Dr. Howard Markel, a medical historian, retired from the University of Michigan. "There's so many things we can do, from vaccines to antivirals to antibiotics. And yet, I am dumbfounded by th
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Scooped by Gilbert C FAURE
September 11, 4:19 AM!

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Scooped by Gilbert C FAURE
September 10, 11:13 AM!

Andrew Cuomo: MAGA COVID Panel Ignores Truth and Smears Trump’s Enemies—Including Me

Andrew Cuomo: MAGA COVID Panel Ignores Truth and Smears Trump’s Enemies—Including Me | Actualités "Fake News and Vaccinations" |
Ex-NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo is in front of the Republican-created COVID Select Committee on Tuesday. Here’s the Trump record it should be examining, he writes.
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Scooped by Gilbert C FAURE
September 10, 11:11 AM!

COVID | Free Full-Text | Trust Us—We Are the (COVID-19 Misinformation) Experts: A Critical Scoping Review of Expert Meanings of “Misinformation” in the Covid Era

COVID | Free Full-Text | Trust Us—We Are the (COVID-19 Misinformation) Experts: A Critical Scoping Review of Expert Meanings of “Misinformation” in the Covid Era | Actualités "Fake News and Vaccinations" |
Since the WHO declared COVID-19 a pandemic, prominent social actors and institutions have warned about the threat of misinformation, calling for policy action to address it. However, neither the premises underlying expert claims nor the standards to separate truth from falsehood have been appraised.
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Scooped by Gilbert C FAURE
September 8, 11:40 AM!

George Niles Mekeel RN on LinkedIn: U.S. Officials Allege Russian Operatives Illegally Provided $10 Million to…

George Niles Mekeel RN on LinkedIn: U.S. Officials Allege Russian Operatives Illegally Provided $10 Million to… | Actualités "Fake News and Vaccinations" |
Thank you Gary Longsine for posting this!

The misinformation mentioned here of course includes that which science deniers and anti-vaxxers spew here on…
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Scooped by Gilbert C FAURE
September 6, 10:59 AM!

Dangerous Anti-Vaccine Propaganda About Tetanus and Tetanus Vaccines

Dangerous Anti-Vaccine Propaganda About Tetanus and Tetanus Vaccines | Actualités "Fake News and Vaccinations" |
Do you want to get tetanus? This is how you get tetanus!
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Scooped by Gilbert C FAURE
September 2, 7:44 AM!

Vincent Iannelli, MD on LinkedIn: Column: Stanford throws a party for purveyors of misinformation and…

Vincent Iannelli, MD on LinkedIn: Column: Stanford throws a party for purveyors of misinformation and… | Actualités "Fake News and Vaccinations" |
With a conference on the pandemic, Stanford gives purveyors of misinformation and disinformation a platform.
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Scooped by Gilbert C FAURE
August 27, 8:21 AM!

RFK Jr. has more in common with Donald Trump than Bobby Kennedy

RFK Jr. has more in common with Donald Trump than Bobby Kennedy | Actualités "Fake News and Vaccinations" |
MSNBC's Jen Psaki explains why Robert F.Kennedy Jr.'s endorsement of Donald Trump is an insult to Bobby Kennedy's legacy...
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