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Apocalypse 9:11
Curated by The Swarm
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Scooped by The Swarm
March 19, 2018 11:59 PM

The Destroyer | Occupy Hades

The Destroyer | Occupy Hades | Apollyon | Scoop.it

Mister Al (Wiggins Jr): Founder of S.H.I.V.A. (Sagacious, Honorable, Intuitive, Vigorous, Advocates); Founder of The Destroyer's Data Mining Project, a.k.a. The Strategic Alliance of Webmasters (The S.A.W.)

The Swarm's insight:

"The beginning has not been good, but the moment has been reached when a new direction can be taken. Change and improvement are called for. Such steps must be undertaken with steadfastness, that is, with a firm and correct attitude of mind, then they will succeed, and remorse will disappear. But it must be remembered that such improvements require careful consideration. Before a change is made, it must be pondered over again and again. After the change is made. it is necessary to note carefully for some time how the improvements bear the test of actuality. Such careful work is accompanied by good fortune." - The I Ching: Sun / The Gentle (The Penetrating, Wind) (57).

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Rescooped by The Swarm from Apollyon
July 27, 2020 10:21 PM

The Destroyer | Occupy Hades

The Destroyer | Occupy Hades | Apollyon | Scoop.it

Mister Al (Wiggins Jr): Founder of S.H.I.V.A. (Sagacious, Honorable, Intuitive, Vigorous, Advocates); Founder of The Destroyer's Data Mining Project, a.k.a. The Strategic Alliance of Webmasters (The S.A.W.)

The Swarm's curator insight, March 19, 2018 11:59 PM

"The beginning has not been good, but the moment has been reached when a new direction can be taken. Change and improvement are called for. Such steps must be undertaken with steadfastness, that is, with a firm and correct attitude of mind, then they will succeed, and remorse will disappear. But it must be remembered that such improvements require careful consideration. Before a change is made, it must be pondered over again and again. After the change is made. it is necessary to note carefully for some time how the improvements bear the test of actuality. Such careful work is accompanied by good fortune." - The I Ching: Sun / The Gentle (The Penetrating, Wind) (57).