Operation Deimos
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Operation Deimos
Psalm 10:13 (BSB)
Curated by The Swarm
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Scooped by The Swarm
February 15, 2019 8:49 AM

One Year Of The GOP Tax Scam Leaves Millions Feeling Trumped - Liberal America

One Year Of The GOP Tax Scam Leaves Millions Feeling Trumped - Liberal America | Operation Deimos | Scoop.it

Trump and the GOP sold their tax overhaul by promising lower middle-class taxes. As Americans file their taxes, many discover they got fleeced.

The Swarm's insight:

Thanks to the GOP Tax Scam, the vampire Republicans in the leadership double-crossed middle-class taxpayers regardless of race, gender or political party. If you're a member of the middle-class and you're not mad yet, you should be. 

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Scooped by The Swarm
February 10, 2019 2:02 PM

Trump Voters FREAK OUT After Realizing They Aren’t Getting Tax Cuts - The Ring of Fire Network 

Trump Voters FREAK OUT After Realizing They Aren’t Getting Tax Cuts - The Ring of Fire Network  | Operation Deimos | Scoop.it

Trump voters have taken to Twitter to express their outrage over the fact that they aren’t getting those lofty tax cuts that the Republicans promised them.When the legislation was passed, middle class and working class Americans were told that their taxes would go down starting in 2019, but so far...

The Swarm's insight:

It was only a matter of time until the vampire Republicans in the GOP leadership incurred the ire of their taxpaying, working class and middle-class constituents because nobody likes getting double-crossed. Nobody.

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