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Operation Deimos
Apocalypse 3:2-3 (NIV)
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Scooped by Anonymous Hades
July 25, 2022 4:04 PM

From Burst Pipes in Texas to Melted Roads in France, the Climate Crisis Is Too Much for Existing Infrastructure - EcoWatch.com

From Burst Pipes in Texas to Melted Roads in France, the Climate Crisis Is Too Much for Existing Infrastructure - EcoWatch.com | Operation Deimos | Scoop.it

When the weather gets hotter, building materials including asphalt and concrete expand and crack, CNN explained. And this has led to incidents from London to China as aging infrastructure meets record high temperatures.

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Scooped by Anonymous Hades
October 5, 2021 11:31 AM

Wildfires, insects, floods: 10 recent climate change-linked disasters - DailySabah.com

Wildfires, insects, floods: 10 recent climate change-linked disasters - DailySabah.com | Operation Deimos | Scoop.it

Over the past few years, hundreds of people have died in climate change-related natural disasters all over the world and experts say it will only keep...

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Scooped by Anonymous Hades
July 4, 2022 1:15 PM

Sydney floods: Climate crisis becomes new normal for New South Wales, Australia's most populous state - CNN.com

Sydney floods: Climate crisis becomes new normal for New South Wales, Australia's most populous state - CNN.com | Operation Deimos | Scoop.it
What was previously a once-in-a-generation event has become commonplace, raising questions as to the long term sustainability of flood-prone communities in Australia's New South Wales.
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