Operation Deimos
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Operation Deimos
Psalm 10:13 (BSB)
Curated by The Swarm
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Scooped by The Swarm
March 16, 2021 7:48 PM

Russia targeted Trump allies to hurt Biden in 2020 election, US officials say | The Guardian

Russia targeted Trump allies to hurt Biden in 2020 election, US officials say | The Guardian | Operation Deimos | Scoop.it

Intelligence report underscored allegations that Trump allies played into Moscow’s hands by amplifying claims against Biden

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Scooped by The Swarm
May 20, 2020 4:26 PM

‘Dark money’ overshadows 2020 election political ad spending - OpenSecrets.org

More than half of all TV ads in the presidential election and congressional races since the start of the 2020 election cycle were sponsored by “dark money” groups that keep their donors secret.

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