Operation Deimos
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Operation Deimos
Psalm 10:13 (BSB)
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Scooped by Anonymous Hades
March 16, 2021 7:48 PM

Russia targeted Trump allies to hurt Biden in 2020 election, US officials say | The Guardian

Russia targeted Trump allies to hurt Biden in 2020 election, US officials say | The Guardian | Operation Deimos | Scoop.it

Intelligence report underscored allegations that Trump allies played into Moscow’s hands by amplifying claims against Biden

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Scooped by Anonymous Hades
October 18, 2020 12:51 PM

Trump tries to recreate 2016 atmosphere in final push to Election Day - CNNPolitics

Trump tries to recreate 2016 atmosphere in final push to Election Day - CNNPolitics | Operation Deimos | Scoop.it

He's gathered the same people. He's attempting a similar schedule. He even believes he's found an equivalent 11th-hour scandal -- and equivalent Russian disinformation questions have followed.

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