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Scooped by Gust MEES
January 8, 2018 3:40 PM

Semantics 1

السّلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركةه SEMANTICS Lecture : Dian, S.Pd., M.Pd.


  1. 2. SYAIMA FAUZIYAH ANWARI Definition of SEMANTICS and The Study Word Meanings
  2. 3. Definition of SEMANTICS What is semantics?
  3. 4. What is Semantics? • The study of meaning of words, phrases, and sentences. – Lexical semantics (words and meaning relationship among words) – Phrasal/ sentential semantics (syntactic units larger than a word) • What a speaker conventionally means (objective or general meaning)- not what he is trying to say (subjective or local meaning)
  4. 5. Semantics is a sub discipline of linguistics which focuses on the study of meaning. Semantics tries to understand what meaning is as an element of language and how it is constructed by language as well as interpreted, obscured and negotiated by speakers and listeners of language.
  5. 6. How can we describe the meaning of different words? • Three types of semantic analysis: –Words as ‘containers’ Semantic features – ‘roles’ they fulfill Semantic roles – ‘relationship’ with other words lexical relation
  6. 7. Semantic features • Syntactically correct sentences but semantically odd. – The hamburger ate the man. – My cat studies linguistics. – The table listens to the radio • This relates to the conceptual components of the words ‘hamburger, cat & table’ not human.
  7. 8. Semantic Features • Semantic properties: The components of meaning of a word. • Meaning as collection of properties/features typically with two possible values (+ / -) • Example of componential analysis: baby is [+ young], [+ human], [+animate]
  8. and so on...


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Gust MEES's insight:
السّلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركةه SEMANTICS Lecture : Dian, S.Pd., M.Pd.


  1. 2. SYAIMA FAUZIYAH ANWARI Definition of SEMANTICS and The Study Word Meanings
  2. 3. Definition of SEMANTICS What is semantics?
  3. 4. What is Semantics? • The study of meaning of words, phrases, and sentences. – Lexical semantics (words and meaning relationship among words) – Phrasal/ sentential semantics (syntactic units larger than a word) • What a speaker conventionally means (objective or general meaning)- not what he is trying to say (subjective or local meaning)
  4. 5. Semantics is a sub discipline of linguistics which focuses on the study of meaning. Semantics tries to understand what meaning is as an element of language and how it is constructed by language as well as interpreted, obscured and negotiated by speakers and listeners of language.
  5. 6. How can we describe the meaning of different words? • Three types of semantic analysis: –Words as ‘containers’ Semantic features – ‘roles’ they fulfill Semantic roles – ‘relationship’ with other words lexical relation
  6. 7. Semantic features • Syntactically correct sentences but semantically odd. – The hamburger ate the man. – My cat studies linguistics. – The table listens to the radio • This relates to the conceptual components of the words ‘hamburger, cat & table’ not human.
  7. 8. Semantic Features • Semantic properties: The components of meaning of a word. • Meaning as collection of properties/features typically with two possible values (+ / -) • Example of componential analysis: baby is [+ young], [+ human], [+animate]
  8. and so on...


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Scooped by Gust MEES
September 23, 2012 10:16 AM

The Future Internet: Service Web 3.0

Future Internet - Supported by STI International: http://www.sti2.org 


With over a billion users, today's Internet is arguably the most successful human artifact ever created. The Future Internet, an initiative driven by the European Union, has become a prime research focus of STI International and the Service Web 3.0 project.


In order to explain, promote, and attract new contributors, we created a video to be viewed by stakeholders, who may be non-experts, in a new generation Internet. The video outlines the basic themes of the European Union's Future Internet initiative.


These include: an Internet of Services, where services are ubiquitous; ===> an Internet of Things where in principle every physical object becomes an online addressable resource <===; a Mobile Internet where 24/7 seamless connectivity over multiple devices is the norm; and the need for semantics in order to meet the challenges presented by the dramatic increase in the scale of content and users.




Gust MEES:  By knowing this now we should develop a proactive and critical thinking and teach this also as any device connecting to Internet is vulnerable and could present a security risk, once infected by malware.

More and more devices will connect to Internet, even TV's and other household devices... There were already infected TV's discovered, oh yes it's starting already, check out here:




Read also my curation about IT-Security to understand that basic knowledge about IT-Security is a MUST and also must get taught in schools. 


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                          ===> Be aware of the malware! <===




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Scooped by Gust MEES
March 10, 2013 7:38 PM

Semantics - Wikipedia

Semantics - Wikipedia | 21st Century Learning and Teaching | Scoop.it
Gust MEES's insight:


Check it out and get a wider knowledge horizon by applying it ;) ALSO on your blogs and courses...


Check also:




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Scooped by Gust MEES
September 25, 2011 3:26 AM

Semantic Web Technology and the Future of Learning | Online Universities

Semantic Web Technology and the Future of Learning | Online Universities | 21st Century Learning and Teaching | Scoop.it
By Justin Marquis What is the Semantic Web What’s the next big thing? The Semantic Web is, according to some tech insiders (including Tim Berners-Lee, the creator of the Internet), the next big thing on the Internet ...
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