Building your Local Economy Ecosystem | Local Investing Resource Center | hubbub "Culture, Politics, Activism,Society" |
What's it like to invest locally?  Local investing is very different than conventional investing.  In today’s globalized world, investing has become a way of putting one’s money into shares and debt of multinational corporations and governments via high-speed, electronic trading platforms.  Local investing, by comparison, is slow and engaging.  Local investors must have the passion, time, and energy to find and evaluate local investing opportunities, and to get to know the people that offer these opportunities.  This is doable because local investments are much simpler—easier to understand and evaluate—than Wall Street investments.  In return, investors can make money on their investments, which is very important, but the attraction of local investing is about making a positive impact on the community as much as it is about profits.

Via ThePlanetaryArchives/BlackHorseMedia - San Francisco