Documentation juridique
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Recherche documentaire juridique - Ouvrage


Un ouvrage sur la documentation juridique qui intègre les nouvelles technologies et qui fournit aux étudiants français les connaissances indispensables pour consulter et utiliser efficacement toutes les sources d'informations disponibles.
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Pay-to-play: Access to Justice in the Era of AI and Deepfakes by Rebecca Delfino :: SSRN


The American legal adversarial system’s effective functioning assumes that parties will have an equal opportunity to present competing claims and the truth will
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What is Computational Law? - CodeX


(This post is a brief overview of Computational Law, aka Complaw. It is a response to numerous requests to clarify the nature of Complaw and to differ
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Une analyse économique du marché des plateformes juridiques en ligne


La révolution numérique actuelle transforme le monde de la justice notamment via l’apparition de plateformes de services juridiques en ligne
Stéphane Cottin:

Ne parle que du marché du règlement des différends en ligne : comme si les plate-formes juridiques en ligne ne pouvaient faire que cela, et oublie tous les autres domaines de la production intellectuelle juridique qui pourrait être assistés par la numérisation = la création doctrinale et la production normative par exemple...

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Meet CaseSnappy ‘The Legal Research Tool For GenZ’ –


What can a law student with LLM skills achieve in terms of building well-liked legal tech products? Quite a lot it would seem. Meet CaseSnappy, a legal research tool focused on case summaries and c…
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A Short History of the Early History of American Student-Edited International Law Journals by Harlan Grant Cohen :: SSRN


How did ideas hatched among Harvard, Virginia, and Columbia students remake the world of international publishing? Part of the Study and Analysis of Internation
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Methodology and Innovation in Jurisprudence by Kevin Tobia :: SSRN


Jurisprudence aims to identify and explain important features of law. To accomplish this task, what method should one employ? Elucidating Law, a tour de force i
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Measuring Legal Concepts by Eric Martínez :: SSRN


Concepts are said to be the building blocks of law, underlying the rules, standards and principles that comprise legal doctrine. Despite the acknowledged import
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Gewichtsformel – wörtlich genommen. Ein empirischer Test mit der Hilfe eines Sprachmodells (German text) [Weight Formula – Taken Literally. An Empirical Test With the Help of One Language Model] by...


Prompt Engineering is chiefly presented as a technique for improving the performance of large language models, and for increasing their alignment with the analo
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A Network Model of Legal Relations by Ted M. Sichelman, Henry E. Smith :: SSRN


From at least the early 20th century, legal scholars have recognized that rights and other legal relations inhere between individual legal actors, forming a vas
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Law is not Code: On Algorithms and the Concept of Law by Christoph Bezemek :: SSRN


This piece addresses the (profound) differences and the (superficial) similarities between law and algorithms on a conceptual basis and invites the reader to re
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Legal Pluralism and War by Rene Provost :: SSRN


Wars are moments of social and political dislocation that uncover assumptions that routinely remain uninterrogated. The nature and function of law in society ar
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How Generative AI Can Help Address the Access to Justice Gap Through the Courts by Colleen V. Chien, Miriam Kim, Akhil Raj, Rohit Rathish :: SSRN


The growth in popularity of generative AI and large language model (LLM) interfaces like ChatGPT, Claude, and Bard has spurred interest and debate about the pot
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Transparent legislation should be easy to read — part II


I have some good news to share. After almost two years under the cloud of litigation regarding a challenge to one of our patent applications, we have reached a settlement that concludes the issue. The Patent Trials and Appeals Board (PTAB) ruled in our favor by denying the patent derivation claim made against us. This…
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A Short History of the Early History of American Student-Edited International Law Journals by Harlan Grant Cohen :: SSRN


How did ideas hatched among Harvard, Virginia, and Columbia students remake the world of international publishing? Part of the Study and Analysis of Internation
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Circulaire du 22 mars 2024 relative à la mise en œuvre du droit de l'Union européenne - Légifrance


Circulaire du 22 mars 2024 relative à la mise en œuvre du droit de l'Union européenne
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Putting the C Back in IRAC (Issue-Rule- Analysis-Conclusion) by Jacob S. Sherkow :: SSRN


Read a law school exam these days, and you're likely to find one of the IRAC elements given short-shrift: the conclusion, C. That's unfortunate because c
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Inflation des normes : un mea-culpa général et de (bonnes ?) résolutions


À l’occasion d’une table-ronde organisée le 4 avril au Sénat par la délégation aux collectivités territoriales, parlementaires, gouvernement et...-toute-l-actu
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Law Archive


is a free online archive of working papers, preprints, and fully published papers focusing on legal scholarship.
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Yale Law School Champions Open Legal Scholarship with the Launch of Law Archive


Yale Law School has launched Law Archive, a new branded preprint service developed using the OSF infrastructure. This initiative reflects a commitment to facilitating the free and open sharing of legal research and scholarship, echoing a broader movement within academic communities towards greater accessibility and transparency.
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Caveat Lector: Large Language Models in Legal Practice by Eliza Mik :: SSRN


Reader Beware. The current fascination with large language models, or “LLMs,” derives from the fact that many users lack the expertise to evaluate the quality o
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