Can Content Curators of Today Help Find Old Meanings & Lost Information? | A New Society, a new education! |

Amanda Bell, grammar school principle looks at content curation today and feels  barrier to entry is nonexistent and may be hampering our ability to find information that has any depth and may not be accurate. She worries that this will not be good especially for young people who are just starting out beginning to learn about the world.


My input:


I say, curation is a news delivery system for those who have already found their trusted sources and a research tool for those who have not.  We're at the beginning stages on content curation, cream always rises to the top.  I am definitely of the opinion that those who are driven to learn and understand something will delve deeper to find the truth no matter what.


What do you think?




In an article posted by Popova about Eli Pariser's new book, The Filter Bubble: Algorithm vs Curator & the Value of Serendipity, she asks whether it is a good thing that the web filters content for us.


It can be argued that old media (newspapers, radio, television) have always been selective and in more recent times their reach has spread beyond a single city or country. In fact, there has been global sanitising of the media networks' news headlines owing to the immediacy of access to information (including each other's information) thanks to effective and fast new communication technologies.


The question here, however, is whether the role of curator is any more sophisticated in these online contexts than the old media position of editor.


Via janlgordon