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Rescooped by association concert urbain from Faire Territoire

[RENNES] La biodiversité URBAINE sujet de recherche | Espace des sciences

[RENNES] La biodiversité URBAINE sujet de recherche | Espace des sciences | URBANmedias | Scoop.it



L’étude de la biodiversité a mis du temps à s’implanter en ville. En Europe, les premiers travaux ont germé à Rennes !

Malgré le bruit, l’éclairage quasi constant et la présence d’humains à tous les coins de rues, les villes sont loin d’être des territoires vierges d’animaux et de végétaux sauvages. On n’y trouve pas que des chiens et des chats, ni que des plantes exotiques en pot sur le rebord des fenêtres.
Les zones urbaines constituent des espaces à part entière où les contraintes sont différentes : les écureuils y trouvent, par exemple, un refuge exempt de prédateurs - il n’y a pas de martes en ville - et les abeilles sont moins gênées par les pesticides.

Via Faire Territoire
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Scooped by association concert urbain

Rio de Janeiro’s Favelas : The Cost of the 2016 Olympic Games

Rio de Janeiro’s Favelas : The Cost of the 2016 Olympic Games | URBANmedias | Scoop.it
ArchDaily announced in October 2009 that Brazil will be hosting the 2016 Olympic Games, in addition to the 2014 World Cup.


Domain is a term that people living in urban environments are generally familiar with: the right of a state under common law to seize a citizen’s private property, often with monetary compensation and for government use. Issues such as these often arise during preparations for the Olympic Games, but the reaction in Rio de Janeiro has been particularly strong and unified and very much in opposition to the plans of the government.

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Rescooped by association concert urbain from Urbanisme

Cartographier les interstices de la ville

Cartographier les interstices de la ville | URBANmedias | Scoop.it

Parcourir la ville, la saisir en mouvement, et la restituer ensuite à travers une carte. Telle est la démarche de Mathias Poisson. Diplômé de l’École Nationale Supérieure de Création Industrielle (ENSCI/Les Ateliers), parallèlement à son travail de scénographe et interprète pour le théâtre et la danse, Mathias Poisson déploie un intérêt particulier pour la promenade et l’expérience subjective des lieux à travers plusieurs supports tels la carte, la visite guidée ou la performance.

Via François Arnal, gasno, Bernard BRUNET, Lockall
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Rescooped by association concert urbain from Urbanisme

Comment vont les banlieues ? avec Jacques Donzelot / France Inter

Comment vont les banlieues ? avec Jacques Donzelot  / France Inter | URBANmedias | Scoop.it

La Cour des Comptes a publié un rapport mardi 17 juillet intitulé : La politique de la ville, une décennie de réformes. Ce rapport, très pessimiste sur la politique de la rénovation urbaine lancée il y a dix ans, dénonce notamment une mauvaise utilisation des fonds et l'obsolescence des résultats de cette politique. Pour approfondir le sujet, nous recevons Jacques Donzelot, sociologue et auteur du livre A quoi sert la rénovation urbaine ?.

Via Lockall
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Rescooped by association concert urbain from Transition énergétique Occitanie

Les TIC au service d'une ville DURABLE

Les TIC au service d'une ville DURABLE | URBANmedias | Scoop.it

Cet événement annuel offre un aperçu de ce que pourrait être la ville de demain grâce aux TIC. La prochaine édition se tiendra le 27 septembre prochain à Irun et GreenIT.fr est partenaire. Le numérique n'est pas uniquement ...

Via Ardesi, AREC Occitanie
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Rescooped by association concert urbain from Changer la donne

URBANISME participatif

URBANISME participatif | URBANmedias | Scoop.it
    Ken vous parlait il y a quelques mois du financement participatif de la culture. Des particuliers par centaines contribuent à financer des productions artistiques grâce au pouvoir des réseaux s...

Via Bernard BRUNET, Corinne Mayer
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Scooped by association concert urbain

Clip of Friday : Une ville gonflable et éphémère - Urbanews.fr

Clip of Friday : Une ville gonflable et éphémère - Urbanews.fr | URBANmedias | Scoop.it
Au milieu des champs, une drôle de ville prend forme.


Bellastock ‏


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Scooped by association concert urbain

The Land That Time and Money Forgot

The Land That Time and Money Forgot | URBANmedias | Scoop.it
New York City’s housing projects are the last of their kind in the country. And they may be on their way to extinction.


via polis


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Scooped by association concert urbain

Collective Intelligence In Cities Bring Potent Solutions

Collective Intelligence In Cities Bring Potent Solutions | URBANmedias | Scoop.it



“What is the one thing you can do to make a city more sustainable? That’s easy. Stop asking the question: What is the one thing you can do to make a city more sustainable?” How we should really be tackling the debate and issue is by first recognizing that cities are hyper-complex and none exactly alike. Meaning, every single one will have different solutions and every single one will need different solutions as it changes over time. Although these complexities and diversities sound like a strain on our ability to combat the problems faced, Warren Karlenzig argues that the dynamics and inter-connections of urban areas are what give them their “strength against shocks and stresses”. They are our gift and our curse.

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Scooped by association concert urbain

Which U.S. Cities Are Most, Least Racially Diverse?

Which U.S. Cities Are Most, Least Racially Diverse? | URBANmedias | Scoop.it
A new study released today by the US2010 Project at Brown University shows how the country has become much more diverse at the metropolitan level.


via The Atlantic Cities ‏


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Scooped by association concert urbain

Interviewed: David Harvey on Rebel Cities | Shareable

Interviewed: David Harvey on Rebel Cities | Shareable | URBANmedias | Scoop.it

Reblogged from Social Network Unionism: Check out David Harvey’s enlightening new book, Rebel Cities: From the Right to the City to the Urban Revolution. Introduction by Neal Gorenflo...


via Emile HOOGE ‏


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Rescooped by association concert urbain from visual data

Are Our Transit Maps Tricking Us?

Are Our Transit Maps Tricking Us? | URBANmedias | Scoop.it
Subway maps distort the reality on the ground for all kinds of reasons. What happens when we make decisions based on them?

London’s city center takes up about two percent of the city. On the Tube map, it looks four times as big.

Over in New York City, Central Park—which is a skinny sliver, much longer than it is wide—was depicted in some 1960s and ‘70s IRT maps as a fat rectangle on its side.

So public transit maps are distorted, quite on purpose. All of them enlarge city centers. Many use a fixed distance between stations out in the boonies, even if, in reality, they’re spaced wildly differently. Curvy lines are made straight. Transfers are coded with dots, lines, and everything in between.

According to Zhan Guo, an assistant professor of urban planning and transportation policy at NYU Wagner, certain cities allow for more flight of fancy than others. San Francisco and New York have a lot of geographic markers, so passengers will only accept so much map distortion.

New York’s grid system further discourages excessive futzing. In Chicago, the line is elevated, which leaves even less leeway. But in a place like London, with twisty streets, few geographical markers other than the Thames, and an underground system, you can pull a lot more over on people...

Via Lauren Moss
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Rescooped by association concert urbain from green streets

Top ten most EV-ready cities in the U.S.

Top ten most EV-ready cities in the U.S. | URBANmedias | Scoop.it
PlugShare’s user data points to encouraging signs for EV charging infrastructure around the country.

The makers of an app that helps users locate electric vehicle charging stations nearby have tapped the user base for some interesting EV trends. Based on the incidence of charging stations per 100,000 residents, (taken from PlugShare’s data as well as the 2012 U.S. Census) PlugShare developer Xatori Inc. has ranked the top ten most EV-ready cities in the country.

Leading the pack is Portland, Ore., with 11.0 charging locations per 100,000 residents, followed by Dallas (10.6), Nashville (8.2), San Francisco Bay Area (6.6), Seattle (6.5), Orlando (6.3), Austin (5.3), Tucson (5.3), Honolulu (5.1), and the Washington, D.C. area (4.7).

While several of these cities may seem like unlikely hotspots for electric vehicle adoption, most of these areas do have a connection to EVs. Dallas is one of the focus areas for a Texas-based electric vehicle infrastructure company; Nashville is home to a factory that builds Nissan Leafs; Orlando is a focus area for charging station distributor CarCharging; Tucson is a focus area for Arizona-based EV infrastructure company Blink, and Honolulu, an early testing location for Israeli EV infrastructure company Better Place.

Via Lauren Moss
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Scooped by association concert urbain

Scrolling horizontal dans downtown LA


Scrolling horizontal dans downtown LA
Intégralement filmé depuis un véhicule, Quik suit le champion de skateboard Austin Gyllette dans les rues de la banlieue est de Los Angeles.

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Scooped by association concert urbain

Heads Up: 10 Fastest Growing and Declining Cities

Heads Up: 10 Fastest Growing and Declining Cities | URBANmedias | Scoop.it

The top 10 have a wide variety of architecture along with the flourishing economies. Click the cities to see examples of cultural developments.


Shanghai, China tops the list with an economy the size of Finland, according to Thompson.
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia comes in second, growing fastest in the last two year due to oil exports that help fund economic development, infrastructural and commerce.
The second largest city in Saudi Arabia, Jiddah, comes in third.
Izmir, Turkey at number four, is among the most populous cities in Turkey and has an economy based on commodities; although it is listed as 181 of 200 in Highest to Lowest Per-Capita GDP. The report warns that this could lead to trouble if a slowdown occurs in manufacturing-based economies, such as those in Asia.
Hangzhou, China comes in at fifth on the list and was among the cities that carried China in its overall disappointing growth.
Ankara, Turkey is sixth and has grown more in the last year than between 1993 and 2007.
Istanbul, Turkey dropped from first on the list last year, but still comes in at seven for 2011.
Shenzhen, China another Chinese metropolis, had stayed in the top five throughout the recession and into the recovery.
Santiago, Chile, a commerce and finances based economy has been growing among other Latin American cities and reached number nine on the list. Its tourism industry contributes to the development of the economy, its third largest industry. It is the only Latin American country on the list for the top ten, although it comes in just behind Izmir at 182 for Per-capita GDP in 2011.
Shenyang, China, tenth on the list, has had the fastest income growth in 2011.

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Scooped by association concert urbain

Le graffiti peut-il EMBELLIR une ville?

Le graffiti peut-il EMBELLIR une ville? | URBANmedias | Scoop.it

Guy Bellavance, professeur de sociologie (Université INRS), dissocie le graffiti de l’idée d’une ville sale et dangereuse. Il définit plutôt le graffiti en tant que mode d’expression culturelle qui embellit l’espace urbain.


via Grd Lyon-millenaire3

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revue sur l'évolution et le devenir des villes M3 Société urbaine et ...

revue sur l'évolution et le devenir des villes M3 Société urbaine et ... | URBANmedias | Scoop.it
Une nouvelle revue sur l'évolution et le devenir des villes qui vous donne rendez-vous trois fois par an pour prendre de la distance, nourrir une réflexion critique, questionner les pratiques. M3 Société urbaine et action ...
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Scooped by association concert urbain

P.L.U. 'nouvelle mouture' : Ils se foutent du monde !

P.L.U. 'nouvelle mouture' : Ils se foutent du monde ! | URBANmedias | Scoop.it


Commentaire BG : On se demande qui se fout de qui quand on sait qu'avec l'ancien POS qui est maintenant redevenu en vigueur, tous les MAP étaient urbanisables. Alors retour à la case départ ou PLU rapidement pour construire écoles, crèches...qui n'ont pas été construites sous le précédent mandat.

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Rescooped by association concert urbain from Développement social et culturel de territoires

«On défend l’idée d’une VILLE résiliente, pragmatique»

«On défend l’idée d’une VILLE résiliente, pragmatique» | URBANmedias | Scoop.it

A Venise, Yves Lion, le commissaire du pavillon français, présente «Grands & Ensembles». Entretien accordé à Libération : 


L’Institut français et le ministère de la Culture ont confié à Yves Lion le commissariat du pavillon français à la Biennale de Venise 2012. En s’appuyant sur un territoire de l’est parisien, l’architecte urbaniste propose une réflexion autour des grands ensembles. Né en 1945 à Casablanca (Maroc), il se définit comme un «militant de la ville» qui a œuvré de Strasbourg à Grenoble. Acteur du Grand Paris avec l’équipe du pôle Descartes (à l’est de la capitale), il défend son pari vénitien.

Pourquoi les grands ensembles à Venise, dans une biennale plutôt conceptuelle ?

C’est incongru de parler des grands ensembles à la Biennale de Venise, qui est plutôt snob. Je me suis donné cette liberté. «Common Ground», je l’ai pris dans le sens de «territoire commun», un sujet sensible dans notre pays, pas résolu. Même s’il y a des expériences positives, comme au quartier Neudorf à Strasbourg. C’était la déglingue, c’est là qu’on a inventé les brochettes de voitures. Aujourd’hui, il y a moins de violence, on a bien travaillé avec les élus, le tramway a été essentiel. Mais un tram ne fait pas tout. Il n’y a pas de solution générique, il faut partir de la vie quotidienne des gens. On a trop détruit, stigmatisé les gens qui habitaient les barres. Cette situation difficile m’intéresse. Je suis né au Maroc, je me suis toujours intéressé au sort des travailleurs immigrés, je comprends leur déracinement, on m’a traité de «bougnoule» quand je suis arrivé en France à 15 ans."

Via Apres
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Scooped by association concert urbain

Bellastock in Mexico, alli vamos !!! PRIMER FESTIVAL DE ARQUITECTURA EFIMERA en MEXICO

Bellastock in Mexico, alli vamos !!! PRIMER FESTIVAL DE ARQUITECTURA EFIMERA en MEXICO | URBANmedias | Scoop.it

pic.twitter.com/c9ktsr8k ... en el mero México !

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Scooped by association concert urbain

Can URBANIST Help Save Highway Engineering? Can Highway Engineers help Create BETTER Cities?

Can URBANIST Help Save Highway Engineering? Can Highway Engineers help Create BETTER Cities? | URBANmedias | Scoop.it

At the federal, state and local levels, there is increasing disagreement about the best way to spend our decreasing transportation dollars, and greater awareness of the negative impacts of poorly planned projects. As a result, highway engineers are concerned about their future, and confused by the way their profession is vilified by citizens and designers. Can New Urbanists help conventional highway engineers be more successful by introducing the importance of context, and adding new performance metrics for transportation decision-making? Can highway engineers find ways of moving cars to and through our communities while also enhancing property value and making places more pedestrian, bicycle and transit-friendly?


via @urbandata

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Scooped by association concert urbain

URBANPHOTO: Cities / People / Place » Foreign Interventions in (Calle) Honduras

URBANPHOTO: Cities / People / Place » Foreign Interventions in (Calle) Honduras | URBANmedias | Scoop.it

You can tell you’re in Palermo by the names of the streets: Guatemala, El Salvador, Costa Rica — every one of them running parallel to the Rio de la Plata a different Central American country. Together with the bright pastels and fluorescents of the buildings that line them, these calles give the Buenos Aires barrio a sort of carefree party vibe that transports you from sometimes grey, blustery, near-Antarctic Argentina to the tropics.


The wealthy district has also, like so many acronymed corners of New York, been subdivided by real estate neologisms: “Palermo Chico,” “Palermo Soho,” “Palermo Hollywood”. Calle Honduras runs between two of them — Palermo Hollywood, a sort of laid-back hangout for media types, and Palermo Viejo, the old heart of the neighborhood and center of its nightlife. When I wandered through in October 2010, I found signs at both ends of the street were not only plastered with an endless variety of stickers advertising local clubs and galleries, but hacked using a graffiti-like scrawl: “Honduras” (the signs omit “Calle”) had been changed to read “Honduras Resiste”.


via Urbanphoto ‏


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Scooped by association concert urbain

[CANADA] En ville SANS ma VOITURE, tout un geste pour changer le monde! - En ville sans ma voiture

[CANADA]  En ville SANS ma VOITURE, tout un geste pour changer le monde! - En ville sans ma voiture | URBANmedias | Scoop.it

Il y a de cela dix ans, les Respectables et moi avons prêté pour la première fois notre voix à En ville sans ma voiture. Aujourd’hui, après quatre ans d’absence, je me réjouis plus que jamais de reprendre le flambeau et de vous accueillir sur ce blogue, qui sera actif toute l’année. J’ai aussi hâte de vous retrouver dans le Vieux-Port de Montréal les 21 et 22 septembre prochains.


Il y a dix ans, qui aurait pu prédire cette évolution dans la conscience collective ? Moins de voitures sur la route, donc moins de congestion, moins de stress ; pour moi, c’est synonyme de santé sociale et économique. En ville sans ma voiture est l’occasion de fêter cet éveil collectif et de prendre conscience du chemin que nous avons parcouru.

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Rescooped by association concert urbain from actions de concertation citoyenne

Internet, espace d'une citoyenneté INSURECTIONNELLE

Internet, espace d'une citoyenneté INSURECTIONNELLE | URBANmedias | Scoop.it

Il rappelle ainsi que les tenants de l'URBANISME moderniste s'avouent eux-mêmes incapables d'appréhender la complexité sociale, trop inspirés qu'ils sont par l'utopie rationaliste visant à organiser l'espace social en fonction d'un « schéma...

Via Michel Briand, association concert urbain
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Rescooped by association concert urbain from green streets

3 Projects That Transform Highways Into Urban Oases

3 Projects That Transform Highways Into Urban Oases | URBANmedias | Scoop.it
The phrase “the other side of the tracks,” connoting declining neighborhoods across from railroad lines, could easily translate to the community havoc wreaked by urban interstates.

Noise, pollution, and walls of concrete can be more than a little off-putting. But new projects in cities around the world prove that freeways don’t necessarily have to be urban dead zones.

In places like San Francisco and Oakland, where earthquakes led to the replacement of several freeway stretches, interstates have been redesigned and upgraded into walkable, pleasant spaces.

Other innovative approaches are showing how to transform the right-of-way land, overpasses, and adjacent spaces to be visually attractive assets--and even raise property values as businesses and residents move closer and begin to look at their infrastructure more favorably. In Seattle, Freeway Park includes space on both sides of I-5 and a green-covered pedestrian overpass connecting them, giving a convention center easy access to a large parking structure across the freeway.

Shanghai’s dramatic light-sculpture installation on its freeway placed the road in a new visual context for residents, and dozens of examples have followed. Melbourne used art panels and artful sound barriers to enable development to move closer to the freeway. Houston’s Buffalo Bayou Park, located underneath an interstate, attracts thousands of annual visitors to festivals and events and is facilitating adjacent property-enhancement by private owners.

Via Lauren Moss
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