Mitzi Perdue: Language learning has benefits for children | Metaglossia: The Translation World |

Does the acronym FLES mean anything to you?

It stands for Foreign Language in Elementary Schools, and Dr. Arlene White of Salisbury University's Department of Education Specialties would be beyond delighted if you took an interest in FLES. Since she knows the benefits of early language education, White is passionate about encouraging both parents and school boards to have more students study languages at an early age.

What are these benefits?

"Studying languages provides unparalleled life advantages," she said. "These begin with brain training. Research shows that studying a second language activates areas of the brain that foster creativity."

She also points to other research that shows students do better on standardized tests in English and other subject areas when they study a second language.

"That's because the skills they learn for listening, speaking, reading and writing are all easily transferable. In addition, well-designed programs can include studying math and other subjects in the second language.