106 Tips to Become a Master Connector | Daily Magazine | Scoop.it

If you want to be a great connector, you should read this post. The invested time will be pay back, for sure. [note mg]


To succeed, who you know is just as important as what you know. In fact, relationships should be your top priority. The book Never Eat Alone talks about how to apply the timeless principles of relationships in the 21st century. It contains a lot of practical tips on how you could thrive in today’s world through your relationships. It’s one of the best books I read recently.

To give you the only gems, I’ve summarized what I learn from the book into 106 tips. Put these tips into practice and you will be a master connector who live a successful and fulfilling life:


1. Make other people more successful


Real networking is about finding ways to make other people more successful. It is sharing your knowledge and resources, time and energy, friends and associates, and empathy and compassion in a continual effort to provide value to others, while coincidentally increasing your own...


Read more: http://bit.ly/IX0HB4

Via Martin Gysler