What's Next: Thoughts On Big TVs & The New Ecommerce | Startup Revolution | Scoop.it

What's Next?
What's next may be the most important and urgent mystery.. Late last night I wandered around in the future a little thinking about how David Amerland's call for a "New Value System" http://davidamerland.com/seo-blog/692-what-if-we-had-a-new-value-system-for-goods-and-services.html might collide with a few other favorite ideas such as:

* David Edelman on Aligning With the Customer Journey:  http://hbr.org/web/ideas-in-practice/aligning-with-the-consumer-decision-journey

* Mark Traphagen on Google Plus https://plus.google.com/u/0/+MarkTraphagen/posts

* Phil Buckley on overcoming FEAR:

* @David AmerlandWhat If We Had A New Value System For Goods and Services

* Me on @ janlgordonCuratti sharing lessons in the new #branding from Red Bull: http://curatti.com/red-bulls-branding-lesson-media-companies-now/

Somewhere in there somewhere late at night and when its HOT is where the future starts and every thing changes...again.