Finding Coherence with RtI and Personalized Learning | Personalize Learning (#plearnchat) |

One of the constant challenges facing educators is to find coherence in the work we are doing. We need to understand how our efforts relate to and support each other in pursuit of student learning.


Jim Rickabaugh is the Director of Institute @ CESA #1 in Wisconsin. "The relationship between efforts to implement Response to Intervention (RtI) systems and our work to personalize learning offers a good example of this dilemma." 


Rickabaugh explains ahow a split screen approach to leadership applies here. "The framework of a personalized learning approach enables educators to position intervention to occur as soon as the learner needs it. As a result, success is designed in from the beginning and learners are less likely to experience the loss of confidence that too often accompanies repeated failure to learn in the current system."

Via Barbara Bray