Patients will decide how they spend NHS money | News | The Times

Gr8 to see the NHS is following an initiative already present in the Netherlands, popular known as the "patients backpack", actually: a "person's individual budget" (Dutch: persoonsgebonden budget).

Actually the idea is good, implementation and administration is key, and sometimes a lot "ado".
Dee the Times article here

Some Dutch reads about it:

Numbers of PGB in NL

What is PGB


How to be "patient-centric' ? 
A crucial question in today's business in health care: either in healthcare provision or in health industry. Upon its history of researching patients' opinions and suggestions, PatientView has gathered relevant insights to define patients' desires and wishes. These form the basis for the do's and dont's for health industry to become patient centric. Patients will reward them for the effort!

Research Finds Physician Awareness of Patient Support Programs Lacking 

Collaboration in health care to the better good of patients, needs to come by efforts from all stakeholders! Co-creating healthcare paths would optimize a great deal of this collaboration!

The non-compliant patient, reconsidered

Talking about medication in pharma, like in the debate about pricing, it often appears that the subject of the discussion is not placed in the context of  "medication", meaning the whole of the process of medication selection, prescription, delivery, adherence, support etc.
Indeed, the first thing to overcome this limitation is to understand  non-compliant behavior. But that is not the only perspective to it. Other perspectives for understanding are: the right medication for the right conditions and the right patient (as in "precision medicine"), the organization of the care process both from the institute (hospital or family practice), the actual delivery by pharmacist, nurse or other professional, and of course indeed, the support for the patient in his her self management! Comprehension of this all tells us two things:

  • shared decision making between care providers and patients is crucial to effectiveness and efficiency in therapy, and
  • the more intensive the collaboration (as in co-creation) between all involved (stakeholders like payers, family beyond health care professionals and patients) may open the window to better support and patient satisfaction.

As a bonus to this collaboration, the process itself will be better understood, upon which effectiveness and efficiency (also as in "costs") may readily be improved!

How pharma and patient advocacy groups can become in sync

“Some drug companies are really focused on patients, and some don’t have a clue.” Lynn Bartnicki, patient advocate

- a quote from the report of Eyeforpharma.

Good to see some words from pharma and patient advocates published.

Even better to follow and read one of the many publications about the pharma and patient groups' relations: a trying but difficult engagement

You can look at the patient perspective in "pharma corporate reputations", or at overviews of the patient movement. 

A study about pharma and the connected patient. And above all: check your own credibility as a pharma company in the eyes of patients: your bespoke data on your company, for its different affiliations and therapy areas, based on 6 years of global data on corporate reputation in the perspective of patients and patient groups.