Future Humans Will All Look Like Brazilians, Researcher Says | News from the world - nouvelles du monde | Scoop.it
In the future, globalization will destroy local races and lower rates of rare traits like blue eyes.


According to Stephen Stearns, a Yaleprofessor of ecology and evolutionary biology, before the invention of the bicycle, the average distance between the birthplaces of spouses in England was 1 mile (1.6 kilometers). During the latter half of the 19th century, bikes upped the distance men went courting to 30 miles (48 km), on average. Scholars have identified similar patterns in other European countries. Widespread use of bicycles stimulated the grading and paving of roads, lending credence to the Fugate clan's excuse and making way for the introduction of automobiles. Love's horizons have kept expanding ever since.



Via Dr. Stefan Gruenwald