GetAtMe Note to artist, when you argue with fans online who has the most to lose... | GetAtMe |

Lately with the advent of sites like TheShadeRoom, and BallerAlert on Instagram, on a daily basis it's becoming a common occurance for some artist to go toe to toe with fans.  I mean lately it's a bloodbath that the artist always losing.  It's sort of like an online Jerry Springer show with the artist going toe to toe with the audience (without the Jerry Springer show revenue stream or potential stream for instagram... hmmm).  Its just a bad strategy.  Don't get me wrong the comments at times are over the edge and intrusive and some are flat out lies and assumptions, but  most of these comments are really just bait for attention (sometimes planted by industry trolls looking for a relevance check).  This usually winds up being more of a distraction to an artist's value than an asset.  There's a saying "that all advertising is good advertising...".  In online although engaged advertising is the top value, not attacked engaged advertsing.  Music buyers today buy allegience to artist moreso than tthe music or lifestyle so when you lose these battles on line it's almost like you've been voted off the hiphop survivor island ("you are the weakest link...).  Artist have to pick their battles and the theatres in which those battles are fought.
