Dr. John Ioannidis: “The Biggest Mistakes I am Sure Are Mine.”
Part 3: Dr. John Ioannidis said his biggest mistake was the he "underestimated how much power politics and media and powers outside of science, could have on science." Really?
#filosofía #filosofia #librepensamiento #pensamientocrítico #bertrandrussell

En una conferencia de 1922 así titulada, Bertrand Russell alertaba sobre los peligros en torno a la libertad de pensamiento, por mucho terreno que pareciera que se hubiera logrado. Casi un siglo después, con una concep...
UK’s Phased Smoking Ban
UK MPs have just passed the Tobacco and Vapes Bill by a 383 to 67 vote. If the measure becomes law it will ban the sale of tobacco products to anyone born after January 1, 2009.This is not just an a...
I was thumbing through my wife's Real Simple while I ate lunch. I don't need the beauty tips, since I already look marvelous, but I am always on the lookout for new recipes. I saw the headline Watch Your Tongue.
Desmontando la Homeopatía
Nuestros alumnos/as de 6º de Primaria pasan a la final del IV CERTRAMEN DE MASTERCHEM con su experimento "Desmontando la Homeopatía".
La esencia del pensamiento crítico
Este video explora la importancia del pensamiento crítico en nuestras decisiones diarias. Se define el pensamiento crítico y, través de ejemplos, ilustra cómo puede aplicarse en situaciones cotidianas. Se destaca la idea de que el pensamiento crítico es una habilidad que puede mejorarse con la pr...
Dr. Vinay Prasad: It’s “Good” That Parents Who Want To Vaccinate Their Kids Against COVID Get Rep...
Trying to limit pediatric COVID was literally the pandemic's worst sin for pro-infection doctors, warranting severe punishment. This is how desperately they wanted them infected.
Skeptics in the Pub. Cholera. Epilogue
I felt remarkably well when I awoke despite the previous night’s beer. I was a little thirsty, and my mouth felt like I brushed my teeth with a toilet brush. I took a long shower and took my time getting ready for work.
New Study Finds No Link Between Autism and Acetaminophen Use During Pregnancy
A new study designed to better account for hidden confounding factors has found no link between acetaminophen use during pregnancy and the risk of neurodevelopmental conditions in childhood.
En nuestro episodio 24 exploraremos la ciencia y estudios detrás de los efectos de los eclipses sobre los humanos, todo por supuesto con un análisis poco serio y vasto de humor de mal gusto.